“Like many believers, I have had the privilege of reading Watchman Nee’s The Normal Christian Life…”
Like many believers, I have had the privilege of reading Watchman Nee’s The Normal Christian Life more than once. Eventually I ‘got’ it, and my understanding of how a Christian ought to live was forever and radically transformed. But I often wondered what it would be like to see Nee’s exposition put into actual practice in the Body of Christ. What would it be like? What would it be like to see “normal Christians” who really experienced Christ daily and through whom Christ could be daily seen? What would it be like to see men and women who no longer try to “produce fruit or concentrate on the fruit produced” in their own soulish power, but who instead live a life of turning their attention to Christ, and who by active surrender enjoy Christ living through them? I thought many times that this would be a glorious thing to behold. And then one day I met the believers of the local churches. I no longer ask the question ‘what would it be like…?’ I know what it is like. I have met such people. And it is glorious indeed.