Category Archives: resources

ETS 2016: “The Divine Trinity in the Teaching of Witness Lee”

The Divine Trinityin the Teaching of Witness Lee Introduction In a ministry that spanned seven decades, Witness Lee (1905-1997) consistently taught that the God of Scripture is the Triune God. Affirming the orthodox understanding that there are “three persons in the Godhead,”1 he taught that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are eternally “distinct but… Read More »

ETS 2015: “In Life and Nature but Not in the Godhead”

“In Life and Nature but Not in the Godhead”: Witness Lee’s Contribution to a Biblical Understanding of Theosis “In Life and Nature but Not in the Godhead” With these few words, Witness Lee (1905-1997) both clarified and enhanced Athanasius’ memorable statement, “For He was made man that we might be made God” (“Αὐτὸς γὰρ ἐνηνθρώπησεν,… Read More »

ETS/EPS Papers

In 2015 and 2016 Chris Wilde of Living Stream Ministry presented papers on the teaching of Witness Lee at the joint annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and its sister organization, the Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS). His co-presenter, Paul Copan of Palm Beach Atlantic University, encouraged attendees “to extend the right hand of… Read More »

The Bible

Books: The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures gives a broad view of seven key subjects in the Bible—God’s plan, Christ’s redemption, the Spirit’s application, the believers, the church, the kingdom, and the New Jerusalem. Enjoying Christ as the Word and the Spirit through Prayer presents how the believers through prayer can enjoy all the… Read More »

The Triune God

Books: Four LSM publications from the 1970s clearly define the scriptural revelation of the Triune God and point out the errors of modalism and tritheism: In Concerning the Triune God: The Father, the Son, and the Spirit , Witness Lee gives a biblical exposition of the Triune God, including both the basic understanding and some… Read More »

The Person of Christ

Books: In Concerning the Person of Christ Witness Lee describes the different schools of Christology throughout the Christian era and reviews the record of both the Old and New Testaments concerning the Person of Christ with particular emphasis on His being one person with two natures, the divine nature and the human nature. Other books… Read More »

The Work of Christ

Books: The Conclusion of the New Testament, Messages 63-78 presents a panoramic view of the work of Christ, including creation, His incarnation, His human living, His earthly ministry, His death, His burial, His resurrection, His ascension, His heavenly ministry, His ruling in the divine administration, His coming back, and His work in the millennium, after… Read More »


Books: God’s Salvation in Life covers four major milestones in God’s inward salvation of the believers by being life to them—regeneration, transformation, conformation, and glorification. Lesson Book, Level 1: Salvation—God’s Full Salvation contains a series of lessons on major truths related to God’s full salvation, including His creation of man; man’s fall; the source and… Read More »

The Church

Books: The Church as the Body of Christ gives a detailed view of the Body of Christ, including its intrinsic essence as the mingling of God and man, its building, its oneness, its function, its coordination, and its fellowship, among many other matters. The Glorious Church, by Watchman Nee, provides an overview of God’s plan… Read More »

The New Jerusalem

Books: The Conclusion of the New Testament, Messages 254-264 provides a thorough view of the New Testament record of the New Jerusalem, its place in the Bible, the meaning of its symbols, and its significance for believers today. In God’s New Testament Economy, chapters 26-44, Witness Lee shows that the New Jerusalem is the ultimate… Read More »